Music for the Soul

The time is 11:41 pm, going to be midnight in a couple of minutes. It was a long tiring day with a variety of stuff done for streamlining my thoughts into meaningful work. In the last hour listening to a couple of songs with Lofi version, such soul-touching music that evokes emotions that the words … Read more

Learners Style of learning!

I have been into academic teaching and corporate training since 2009, and have been delivering technology sessions to Engineering students as well as Information Technology enthusiasts. One of the greatest realizations that I had experienced during my sessions is that for an effective content delivery it first is required to understand the learners need and … Read more

Hello world!

Hello World from Anupinder Singh

“Hello World!” the first message that a new programmer uses to test run the program.

I am using the same to test my first blog and display it to the world and presenting my self to the digital world.

This blog intend to be a digital version of real life Anupinder Singh and will share my learning based on my personal or professional experiences.

With the hope of reaching new heights, here is my first blog test!